How ACED Can help you

● Supportive Club Community
We facilitate high value connections and meaningful relationships to help your business grow. We organise lunch events or small seminars every month to help our members to connect with the right experts or business investors from China looking for the investment opportunities in Australia.

● Conference Series
Australia China Entrepreneurs Dialogue has its unique characteristics. First, it highlights innovation. Second, it focuses on bringing about cooperation on projects. Apart from the annual forums, Australia China Entrepreneurs Dialogue also arrange in Sydney and other cities various themed events including New Energy, Health Australia, Commercial Real Estate and Agri-Food Innovations summits.

● Executive Training Program
As an extended event of ACED’s conferences, Executive Training Program offers Chinese executives or senior managers who are interested in exploring or expanding Australian market with an education opportunity to understand the market, regulation and culture, and to develop actionable strategy of running a business in Australia.

If you are interested in joining this program as a partner to provide site visit opportunities or simply participating business matching or networking events, you are welcome to contact us to discuss further.

● Cross-Border Investment Management
Established under Australia China Entrepreneurs Dialogue, the Cross – Border Transactions Consulting Company helps you access Australian specialists, overcome obstacles, and receive one stop solutions.

● Australian Office Solutions
Through our membership program, we help member corporates to achieve cost optimal office solution when starting business in Australia. We provide customized office services including sharing office base or office services to help your business grow.

● Financial Support
Entrepreneurs Asia signed strategic cooperation agreements with Australia’s “Big Four” banks. Our members receive special services and offers regarding business and personal loans.

● Government Support Application
The Australian government provides various funding to enterprises investing in Australia. We evaluate and assist enterprises to apply for the funding.

For more details, you are welcome to contact us:
Ph: +61 3 9631 8100